Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hair is just hair, it'll grow back!

Ready to take scissors to my hair, and excited about a date,
I decided to take the plunge and get a haircut!
Deborah at Crop Salon suggested bangs,which i now love!

voila, the final product:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Hoy: Una Nueva Era - Elecciones 2008"

(click on image to enlarge)

november 4th: an election heard 'round the world

The world was watching when on the evening of nov 4th barack obama became-  president elect obama. There was a collective sigh of relief, excitement, and pride emanating from voters, young, old, black, white, asian, latin@, poor, women, queer, rich, radical, democrat, conservative, recently naturalized, first time voters, indifferent.....

We can't deny that this has been a historic event that we will not forget in our lifetime.
We must ask the hard questions regarding the change and hope we've been promised. 

How does change happen within the system? Can one man change the course of US policy,  economy, and the war? Have we become too complacent? Will the electoral  process lead to real social change?
As we continue to do our part, let's remember that ....
We must be the change we wish to see in the world- Gandhi

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

.... upcoming blogs....

fast for immigrant rights
pelota mixteca
ESC dia de los muertos
the politics of ¡loud!
shapes, colors, prints

...... Election Day 11/04/08.........

It's November 4th, and time to vote!
Whether you're excited about voting for "the lesser of 2 evils" or not, there are many propositions on the ballot that are significant.
There propositions are a threat to our current rights, and an apparent threat to our communities around issues of gay marriage, further criminalization of our youth, and protecting young women's right to choose.
Nancy and I headed out to our polling place early this morning at Pillar of Fire Church in Highland Park where about 20 other neighbors were ready to cast their votes. It was great to see familiar faces, and surprising to see others ( yes, the hipster couples).
Inside, helpful volunteers oversaw 6 voting booths - personally, I think that there should have been more voting booths, but the space was not conducive to it. It was relatively easy and fast to vote because we were prepared.
Here's how I voted:
NO on the 6: Measure r, 1a, 4, 6, 8, 9
Yes on: 2, 5, 12 and B
We have done our part for the day, now we have to work for what we envision for tomorrow!

Fast for Immigrant Rights: RISE

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Grand Central Market

(click to enlarge images)

This morning i ventured through chinatown and into downtown on the 81
bus line. i'm so glad i did, because just as i got to my stop: Pershing Square Station
i suddenly got the urge to visit the grand central market!
i arrived promptly at 9am as the security officer ushered in the short crowd.
Inside vendors selling fruits, vegetables, hot food, mexican products, jewels, awaited the crowds.
what was i in the mood for? i decided on a vegetable omelette and orange juice.
Before taking a seat, I took pictures of those stands reminiscent of the mercados in
mexico, and i took a picture of the mole!
next time i find myself downtown, between 9am and 6pm
i'll drop in for some food, and good company!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Parque MaCartur

(click on images to enlarge)

I wanted to share some images of the place where I spend my days, or at least the weekdays. Beautiful MacArthur Park, located between Wilshire and Alvarado in Downtown LA.
This is a predominantly Central American enclave, but is being threatened by gentrification.
The changing demographics, and space has served as a way to address, and stifle crimes occuring in and around the park. The police roam freely on the park grounds, and frequently inspect and arrest immigrant men, for what reason?
I have yet to find out.
weekends are lively here
families walking, eating, shopping
workers selling id's and residency cards, relaxing
homeless people sleeping, drinking, looking for food
children feeding ducks and pigeons
lovers embracing
cops cruising